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Sim­ply keep your e-mail con­tacts up to date

If you run your own busi­ness and many of your cus­tomers con­tact you by e-mail, which is a great thing! But don’t we all know how much time con­sum­ing it is to cre­ate a prop­er address book con­tact for every sin­gle customer? And we for­get about how im­por­tant it is to use these ex­ist­ing contacts for per­son­al up­dates on your business ac­tiv­i­ties?

Ex­act­ly at this point, MailCon­tacts jumps in and help you to organize the con­tacts you have exchanged by e-mail. It easily scans through your e-mails and presents you all contacts which you have ex­changed by e-mail (sent and re­ceived mes­sages). Af­ter one time scan, MailCon­tacts al­lows you to add more contact that is not in your address list yet with only a sin­gle click. And with more in­tel­li­gent performance, it will sum­ma­rize sim­i­lar address­es and dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing be­tween unknown con­tacts and the ones that are already in your ad­dress book.

••••• Im­port •••••
One-Click Im­port of all eMail Ad­dress­es from your Apple Mail.

••••• Mail­Chimp •••••
We im­ple­ment­ed the API of Mail­Chimp di­rect­ly into MailCon­tacts, so you can con­nect di­rect­ly to your per­son­al Mail­Chimp ac­count in or­der to sim­pli­fy the dis­tri­b­u­tion of e-mail Newsletters.

••••• Ex­port For­mats •••••
• Mi­crosoft Word
• Open­Office XML
• Open Doc­u­ment Text
• Rich Text (RTF)
• Text, We­b­Archive